A Special Day

      Twenty-six years ago this evening, my I met my younger daughter, Meghan Lee, for the first time.  Weighing in at just six pounds, she showed early signs of being her own person, struggling to be released from the hospital swaddling that her sister, a year earlier, had found so comforting.  Being her mother, one might accuse me of prejudice, but I am so very proud of the young woman she has become. I am blessed to be close to her, not in proximity, but in mind and heart, the places that really count. I  have watched her grow over the years, overcoming challenges and learning to soar like an eagle!!

An early reader determined to keep up with her sister, based on something she found in a book, she began calling me “Mother.”  Not mom and not just to my face, but in reference to me as well.  It was very noticeable, coming from this little person, so formal – Mother.  She still does, today;  I’m used to it and no longer feel like Joan Crawford.  That’s Meghan, no nicknames, please; only one special uncle is allowed that privilege.  I made that mistake back in April when I met one of her employers and a nickname slipped out, innocuous, but the man seized on it.  For the rest of the time there, it was Meggie this and Meggie that and you could almost hear the eyes rolling. 

My younger daughter turns 26 today and I couldn’t be more pleased to claim her – kind, loving and generally an exceptional human being, grown now, with a blog of her own.  I’m thanking the Lord for putting her in my arms and into my care – a gift to me beyond compare.  Joyeux anniversaire, Meghan Lee, j’adore!!Meghan in the little black dress we found together in Charleson SC


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