Author: LeeAnn Buelow

  • … But Keep the Old …

    According to one Web site I found, the title words, which I’m sure many of you know, are supposed to be part of a traditional Girl Scout song.  Other sites described it as a children’s song and I sang it as a child in music class as a round. The theme being on my mind…

  • … and a Time to Dance Part Two

    We talked yesterday about another of the Homestead’s children passing away, my Aunt Henrietta.  The day she died was one of those days you remember things about.  Later in the day I hopped on the lawn mower and rode around and around with memories tumbling through my mind.  Here I am on a lawn tractor…

  • A Time to Mourn … Part One

    Note:  I began drafting this post a few days after the passing of another of the Homestead’s children, my aunt/godmother.   I’d like to expand on it now and honor her memory. A time to mourn and a time to dance;  that’s the complete phrase.  Not an original title by any means, but so appropriate.  Another…

  • About Those Cows …

    Toward the end of the last post I asked if your fences were secure.  Now I’m asking, can they ever be secure, really? My belief system says yes, they can, but not because of what I might do.  And not necessarily in the way I might think. The farmer who came to corral the cows…

  • The Cows Got Out!

    I’ve been away from this blog for awhile and it’s time to be back.  Lots has occurred since Easter ’09, some okay and some fabulous!!  Some pretty major Sparkles especially this last week.  And the cows did indeed get out, today, in fact, though that seems like a metaphor for the last few months. How…

  • There Was a Time …..

    There was a time when the night before Ash Wednesday would have my attention more for what was happening at Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Rio than for any spiritual meaning.  Tonight is different. I’ve had an interesting week and am feeling very blessed!  I was given insight into a situation that had been…

  • Smiling at this Lenten Memory

    Who knew when deciding to embark on the next 30 days to leaving the Shoulds and an Illegitimate Ruler behind that it would coincide beautifully with Lent?  Well, Someone knew and ya gotta love how these things work out 🙂  So my Lenten journey it will be. I’ve never been one to “give something up…

  • The Tyranny of Should

    You should go …  You shouldn’t ….  I should… I should have ….  A loaded word, one syllable, indicates that the subject of the sentence has some obligation to execute the sentence predicate.  So the subject, in this case moi, has an obligation to do whatever follows the should.  How does that work?  Who’s deciding…

  • What’s in a Word?

    A quick peruse of Roget’s online Thesaurus gives many synonyms for the word hopeful.  My favorite? There are several, but blithe and buoyant just kind of roll off the tongue.  I love words and languages, and words, as I am known for saying,  matter. And frankly, I’ve been witnessing some challenges with words.  Are the…

  • “It Doesn’t Happen in a Neighborhood Like This”

    That’s what the neighbor said on TV.  Another woman is dead, killed this morning in a nearby county by her husband and people are shocked because it doesn’t happen where they live. Sound familiar?  It sure does to me.  I’ve been there and even said those words.  People in my former neighborhood weren’t out brawling…