Tag: emotional well-being

  • Bon Voyage, My Friend

    I spent two hours yesterday with an amazing young woman whom I’ve come to know and love.  She’s smart, funny, musical, bilingual, beautiful and though she’s young enough to be my daughter, I call her Friend.   As I’ve told her parents over the years, she is as beautiful on the inside as she is…

  • Cows on the Loose and a Mouse in the House

    How’s that for just another Sunday afternoon on the farm?  All I was trying to do was get a head-start on the trimester of school that begins tomorrow.  Way too simple a plan for the day apparently.  The mouse was and still is more unpleasant than the cows – smaller, but more intimidating.  Who wants…

  • I’m so cold you should put on a sweater

    Memories…  My girls and I have been talking about memories, fun things, funny sayings.  The title of this post is an example of a line that makes us smile.  I’m known for always being cold, well before any surgeries or health challenges – I’m just cold-blooded.  The girls would say with eyes rolling, “Mom’s cold,…


    It got ugly out there.  I have a friend who’d call it “wicked cold.”  She’s from the East and apparently that’s a colloquialism and her adjective of choice.    I call it BRUTAL and realize all-caps equals shouting in cyber-English, but that’s my way of letting you know that it did indeed get ugly.  As so…


    There’s a warning here, with good reason.  Started last night, made for interesting travel home from a Christmas party in a nearby town.  There’s a warning here, blizzard no less, serious weather, dangerous conditions, zero visibility. There are warnings everywhere, aren’t there?  They don’t all come with flashing lights or that annoying signal used on…

  • O Give Thanks …

    To many,  those words are the familiar beginning of a common prayer spoken after meals.  Growing up in my house, it was said after every meal taken together.  According to the clock, Thanksgiving Day 2009, is history and I’d like to end my day with a word of reflection. It was a good day, and…

  • Close to Your Heart

    Someone close to me lost someone close to her over the weekend.  Totally unexpected while on a trip ten years in the making.  In an instant a father, husband and best friend of 28 years, is gone and a wife is alone in the woods with her husband’s body, trying desperately to save him with…

  • Lazy Saturday Morning?

    Okay, it sounds good, but not happening here and not likely to for a while.  So I’m at my computer in my jammies, not yet 7 a.m., playing one of my standard  fire-me-up songs in the background as I review my plan for the day – attack algebra once again, then on to my Old…

  • Catch-Up?

    Playing catch-up? Very often these days, I seem to be in catch-up mode; tonight is no exception.  With algebra going fairly well, but still time-consuming, and daily life with all that entails, things are good though the pace is frenetic. What keeps me grounded?  My faith, for sure, and the things I’m looking forward to…

  • Get off the Bench!

    So where I come from, a major NFL city, there’s big news today.  Our former hero has become big news AGAIN – signing on to a rival team after a long drawn-out story.  How do I care?  I get frustrated that we’re such a nation of observers.  I get frustrated that we idolize a sport…